
These reports are computer-generated by professional astrological software. Donna’s first introduction to astrology was by having a natal report such as this done, however a session with a professional astrologer is also a must do to understand all the nuances of the chart. These reports are more insightful and detailed than sun sign horoscopes, but not nearly as in-depth as an astrological reading done in person or over the phone. Donna’s favorite spiritual astrologer is Leo Knignton Tallarico. You can visit his blog and contact him here.

Personalized Astrology Report

Personal Astrology Reports are based upon the location of the planets at the exact time of your birth. They can be truly revealing and amazingly helpful as you try to better understand your place in the world around you. At the moment of our birth a snapshot is taken of the sky.  Where the planets sit is considered your natal chart.  The moon rules the tides of our oceans, so we are very much affected by the planetary movements. As above, So below!

To receive your own personalized report, please email us or complete the form below. The following information is needed to complete your report: Birthdate (month/day/year), Birthplace (city, state, country), Birth time (must be exact!).

Reports available for purchase from Thirteen Moons Acupuncture:

Astro Talk: $25
Interpretation of your natal chart based on the location of the planets at the exact time of your birth. Takes you step by step through your birth chart explaining how the planets affect  the characteristics of your personality.

Time Line: $10-$30 (periods of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months)
This report analyzes where the planets are now, or where they will be for a specific time, in relation to where they were at the moment of your birth. It will give you insight into how the planets are affecting your life now and in the future and will help you to better understand your challenges.

Child Star: $25
Perfect gift for the parents of newborn or young children. Report explores potential talents, emotions influences and ways to enhance the child’s development. This report is appropriate for newborns through early teens.

Please complete the form below